Marta Sande Castro

Marta Sande Castro is a young Portuguese designer graduated in Interior Design and
Decorative Arts from ESAD (Escola Superior de artes Decorativas).
She is specialised in working with natural and recycled materials as her main focus lies in
an ecological and sustainable approach to design. Her passion for fabrics and materials
let her early on to design cloth and furniture from waste materials. With this mindset
Marta was continuously exploring new patterns, structures and materials while mastering
the craft during her studies as well as during several workshops around the world. On this
journey she learned from ancient Asian weaving technics in Laos to traditional bamboo
weaving in Portugal as well as sustainable design concepts in Boisbuchet in France.
Martas goal has always been to learn and deeply understand everything about materials
and every aspect of the traditional craftsmanship in order to reevaluate the best possible
approach to each design. Finding the best solution to produce and design solutions
consequently let to a focus on new technologies like CNC machining.