Natural vs Artificial repair - where do these 2 worlds intersect
Homeostasis, bone healing, skin regeneration, tree-wound healing, photosynthetic systems that recover locally and autonomous, are only some of the many examples of self-repair natural mechanisms without the intervention of any exterior factor.
While a broken chair, a cracked window, a worn cloth, a damaged wall have to be restored artificially in order to come back to a functional condition that can be availed by their final users.
How can we help these 2 worlds intersect is the question raised in our minds when we were trying to approach the definition and application of repair in our surrounding environment.
The moss, a wild plant from the forest of Boisbuchet, is going to grow slowly in the wall to illustrate the concept. As time goes by, it will create an attachment between this place and the visitors.
Where: Domaine de Boisbuchet, France
When: July 2017
Who: Claire Martinez, Despoina Kenteroglou, Marta Sande e Castro